A method that makes sense
- STEP 1Competitive AnalysisKey Factors to our process are:How does your site compete visually
Relevance of content VS. competitive sites
State of responsiveness
Clean VS. Non-Organized Code
Value now VS. Value when built
- STEP 2ResearchOur Research Key Points is doing a thorough look at your company. By understanding what you do, We build User Personas that guide us through a customer journey towards a sell point through a Customer Journey Map. We develop a sweet and short story!
- STEP 3ContentStrategyWe develop a customer experience journey which guides me to the main points of your business solutions. With the help of our clients We only use relevant information of each subject of the page using proper grammar based content.
- STEP 4WireframesCreating Wireframes frees your mind in understanding how your website will function. It clears any doubt about feel, look and interaction design challenges when there is collaboration.
- STEP 5VisualDesignWe take visual design to the next level by creating custom compositions to fit your style. Each composition is compelling and will guarantee a second look from every user and your competitor, as well as ours ;).
- STEP 6BuildWordpress Engine Platform is implemented which is 100% Hack Proof with the best support in its industry--located out of Austin, TX. All your websites are 100% unique which has 10+ years of industry experience.
- How does your site compete visually
Website is viewed in all platforms correctly
All pages are tested
All interactions test outKey points for Quality Assurance are:STEP 7QualityAssurance
- STEP 8LaunchA new master piece is designed!